''I received my accredited Concordia College transcripts, and already landed a job paying $19,000 MORE a year. They tested me on the new job and I flew through with flying colors. I had the knowledge and background just not the sheep skin, you really helped with my dream! Thank you!'' JIM H.
Concordia College awards are open to everyone, there are no entry qualifications, no admission interviews, nor barriers whatsoever. We do however request you to send us a copy of your verifiable resume in order to properly determine whether you should be admitted. In the absence of a clear and concise summary of your qualifications, we may also use your professional LinkedIn profile or other online resume tool to decide on your admission.
The College allows credits for all previous studies, independent or correspondence course studies, seminars, workshops, language skills and any other learning process whether acquired in formal or informal settings.
Perhaps you served in the military where nobody ever told you how many credits you actually accumulated? You can check them out HERE and fully apply them towards your Concordia C&U credentials.
We are careful to whom we make our awards to but we will consider any award be it a Bachelor, Master or Doctorate in almost any subject.
We believe that your Concordia College & University credentials will be of benefit to you and that you may already have the experience and knowledge to qualify.
This programme is designed for everyone whatever their sex, age, race, social or ethnic background. We do not ask you to take time off work, study or sit exams nor does our programme have any residency qualification.
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U.S. Higher Education Policy
The U.S. Government Department of Veteran Affairs supports the concept of earning credits toward a standard college degree based on the individual’s knowledge and previous life experience, believing that an individual who has acquired collegiate credit through such means has manifested a level of knowledge, maturity, and ability that is at least equal to that of individuals who may otherwise qualify (Title II, Section 203).
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration encourages job applicants to obtain degrees earned by Life Experience credits.
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What we expect from you.
We require and assess the resume of your educational, professional, military and hobby-related experience. Keep in mind that any academic evaluation is subjective in nature.
You will be submitting your resume form in absolute confidence. We will not contact any employer or educational establishment or tutor. Your resume is an assessment tool, entirely for our own internal purposes in order to realistically determine whether your existing knowledge justifies your admission.
Concordia College & University® will never charge you for the assessment of your academic potential. In general we will inform you of the College's decision within 12 hours from receipt of your resume if you qualify. You are then free to decide whether you wish to actually enroll or not. We file your assessment record during 24 hours, and delete all your information if you have not decided by then. Should you wish to enroll later, your resume will need to be resubmitted and will be subject to a new assessment not necessarily resulting in a similar positive decision.
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| Perhaps you do qualify for your college award not yet acquired. Submit your resume preferably through plain email or by telefax and please clearly state what you would like to accomplish. We will realistically assess your opportunities and advise you accordingly, at no charge to you.
Please feel welcome to send in your resume for our free assessment to our e-mail address or toll free fax number (max 5 pages by fax):
info@concordia-college.net Fax : (1) 844-235-2967
- ATTENTION GMAIL / YAHOO / HOTMAIL / OTHER FREE EMAIL ACCOUNT HOLDERS. If you do not hear from us within 12 hours, please check your BULK or JUNK folder.
Assessment requests sent in by e-mail will usually be answered within 6 hours. Concordia College does not open e-mail attachments other than Microsoft Doc, Acrobat PDF and Apple Word files for systems security reasons.
The difference between securing good and great life opportunities begins with your resume. It is the first impression you make on us, and we therefore recognize that your resume can and should be a personal advertisement and marketing tool which will effectively launch our consideration to award your Concordia College & University award.
For all general enquiries, please follow this link.
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