| Dear Prospective Graduate,
We are pleased to celebrate our
25th anniversary with you in 2024.
Concordia College & University® was founded in the United States in September 1999, the first on-line class matriculated later that same year. Concordia is now officially the longest continuously operating U.S. correspondence college.
Committed to development and growth, Concordia College & University® expanded its online degree program in 2000 to include the nation's first nationally accredited degree-by-assessment program.
It feels like almost no time has passed since 1999 when we incorporated to serve the ever growing community of self-paced and adult learners, but in fact much time has passed and much has changed. We have expanded our programs substantially, increased our budget, hired a highly qualified staff, and we continue to push into the future.
Education is viewed differently today than it was 25 years ago. New ideas and concepts are being introduced and methods that a student followed to learn are different than in the years past. It is not important how many months or years you wasted in a traditional university learning ''theory'' courses.
The question is: do you know? Can you put into practice what you have learned?
| Life is a classroom. It doesn't matter where and how you acquired your knowledge. Many universities aside from ours offer degrees to people based on their prior studies and work experience. Several ivy league universities in the United States that include credit for work experience in their educational system are Harvard, Yale, State University of New York and hundreds of others as well. The United States government permits all modalities of scholastics due to the Constitutional Right of Freedom of Education.
In a survey conducted in the U.S., 94 percent of students experienced no problem in graduate admissions because of having a non-traditional or even an unaccredited degree. In a different survey at 81 large corporations, the overwhelming majority felt that a non-traditional degree was just as useful as one from a traditional university.
(Source: ''The External Degree as a Credential, Graduate Experiences in Employment and further study.'' U.S. Department of Education).
Concordia College and University® is dedicated to meet and to keep abreast the changes in the educational arena. Concordia's fast-track graduation programs are developed for matured minds who no longer need mental gymnastics. The system is flexible and students can demonstrate that they have studied whenever they wanted, from where they wanted, in whatever formal or informal context.
Concordia College & University® gives credit for your work and life experiences. Its goal is to offer a program of educational excellence for matured adults to fit their career goals.
We are happy that you contacted us. We respect your career goals. With our expertise and support you will be able or prepared to achieve your goals faster and easier. Our staff looks forward to hearing from you soon!
Respectfully yours,
Alfred F. Wilson, Ed.D. Vice-President Concordia College & University® of Delaware